Off-chain Infrastructure

Blockchain Infra

This is a very broad category. It’s all the infrastructure/middleware needed to operate a blockchain. This would include things like: indexers, block explorers, RPC providers etc.

Object Services

Object services are also quite a broad category. We break them down into 4 key areas: storage, computation, optimization and moderation. Some examples of these services are:


Object Computation

A computation environment to simulate objects on the network:

Object Optimization

A pipeline that enables assets to be used across different experiences on the network:

NFT Minting

NFT minting services would enable creators and users to easily mint NFTs and put them either on the Somnia chain or another chain. We have separated these out from other blockchain infra as they could work on any chain. Examples: iMintify, MintFoundry, HeyMint Launchpad

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